The Musings and Memiors of a Gila Monster: Functional Violence and the Western Soft-Bellied Neo-Bourgeoisie.


Kevin Wikse Gila Monster Dead Dog's Tale

Functional violence is not a concept grasped by the Western soft-bellied neo-bourgeoisie. Socialist and Marxist-leaning through indoctrination and still alive only by the grace of their ability to leech off their hardworking capitalist parents. The Western soft-bellied neo-bourgeoisie is pathetically and utterly incapable of defending itself from the devastation brought by the foreign horde (a horde it summons); it believes it might ally with to destroy its hated "patriarchy," a horde that will instantaneously turn on and devour them. 

The Western soft-bellied neo-bourgeoisie understands indirect violence, mob mentality, riots, and looting. But when thrust into a situation without a driving force of destruction they can get behind (an Alpha to lead the Betas), they become what they are in nearly all other aspects of their lives: inept.  

Functional violence means the ability to be the tip of the spear, with or without the support of others. To wound, injure, rend, maim, and kill effectively, at will, and continuously present a credible threat. Total weaponization of mind, body, and spirit. An affront to all things, not simply logic and sense as in the case of the Western soft-bellied neo-bourgeoisie 

The Western soft-bellied neo-bourgeoisie fails to understand their invading proxy army, in truth, hates them more than they hate the American patriot. The American patriot is self-sufficient, ambitious, and seeking ever greater forms of independence from a governing power. 

The migrant mercenaries have been promised the life presently experienced not by the American patriot but the Westen soft-bellied neo-bourgeoisie. They know fully the pain of scarcity and are not here to share with the Western soft-bellied neo-bourgeoisie but to replace them. It is the American patriot who stands stalwart in their way. 

In the event of any invading proxy army, which at first seemingly lends its support behind the insane communist left, the Western soft-bellied neo-bourgeoisie in a civil war, they will serve as nothing more than vaccinated blubbery pedophilic fooder, torn apart by American patriot and foreign horde alike, in the mad bloody dash to begin ripping into each other. The Western soft-bellied neo-bourgeoisie is functionally violent to no one but themselves, a herd of chattel cattle masterfully schooled in the art of self-slaughter. 

Fucking pathetic. 

What American Patriots DESPERATELY need to understand is this:

This foreign horde and proxy army is funded by and supported by the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party, monetarily and militarily. The violence of these Mexican, South American, and Latin American cartels and gangs is next level. It could be said the merger of a man with a sociopathic monster took hold better in them than it did within the Nazi SS. Ironically, the methods used in the desensitizing of SS elite soldiers (in more modern times, these methods were advanced and used in Operation Phoenix during the Viet Nam war, to create a network of "ghosts" who made up the infamous "Murder Inc") were bridged over by the CIA into the Schools of America, which recruited, trained, and organized what is now MS-13. 

These are no mere milquetoast Antifa and BLM, primarily made up of scrawny homosexual white males and their lumbering blue-haired heifer white female counterparts, who would go 50 on 10 with the Proud Boys and still lose. 

In this instance the American patriot faces a truly diabolical build.  

Members of these gangs and cartels are forced at gunpoint to eat puppies while they are still alive. They have to endure hearing their yips and cries of pain as these horrified human children experience mind-bending psychological trauma, using their barely sharp teeth to bite into, crush bone, and tear away puppy flesh. 

They are regularly put into shared trauma troops, where they find a sense of comfort with each other as a support group, only to be placed into gladiatorial, kill or be killed, death matches with members of their troop. Soon, the ability or desire for any real human connection is forever stunted. 

They are forced to participate in regular acts of cannibalism, eating their enemies and those they kill. An exceptionally dehumanizing practice and such a cultural and moral taboo, the idea of returning to normal society begins to fade. For many, a type of sociopathic elitism manifests. If they eat humans, they must be more than just humans, as humans eat animals, and animals are beneath humans. Killing an animal is profoundly easy for them, and soon, so, too, will be killing humans. 

At some point, many are ordered to receive extensive, frightening, and highly detailed full facial tattoos. This eradicates what remains of their original personality. The mirror can no longer reflect what little might have been left. All that can be seen is a monster, by them and everyone else. The gangs and cartels make no secrets about what atrocities they commit, and now they wear their evil deeds on their face; they are walking advertisements and agents of horrible violence. 

Run away from the gang or cartel and try to rejoin society elsewhere with a face like that? Unlikely. Even if they did, they would guarantee the rape, murder, and or enslavement of their family. They are presented with a bleak and savage reality; they have NO hope outside of remaining loyal and dedicating themselves entirely to the cartel or gang.  

Like the Nazi SS, they are subjected to numerous occult/black magic rituals, where they believe they become a living host for a demonic spirit and take on new names to fit their new faces, which reflect this diabolical union. 

I return to the topic of function violence. It would be best if you did whatever you could to become an instrument of an instrument of aggression, capable of exercising extreme prejudice but still maintaining your humanity and compassion. You must be the scythe and they the vine. From whatever you cut down, you must attempt to replant goodwill and dignity in its place. The Western soft-bellied neo-bourgeoisie is a rotten thing and, thankfully, will die by its own hands. The foreign horde, however, those monsters, used to be innocent children. Remembering that will enable you to resist becoming a monster, even as you slay them. 

-Gila Monster


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