The Musings and Memiors of a Gila Monster: Functional Violence and the Western Soft-Bellied Neo-Bourgeoisie.

Functional violence is not a concept grasped by the Western soft-bellied neo-bourgeoisie. Socialist and Marxist-leaning through indoctrination and still alive only by the grace of their ability to leech off their hardworking capitalist parents. The Western soft-bellied neo-bourgeoisie is pathetically and utterly incapable of defending itself from the devastation brought by the foreign horde (a horde it summons); it believes it might ally with to destroy its hated "patriarchy," a horde that will instantaneously turn on and devour them. The Western soft-bellied neo-bourgeoisie understands indirect violence, mob mentality, riots, and looting. But when thrust into a situation without a driving force of destruction they can get behind (an Alpha to lead the Betas), they become what they are in nearly all other aspects of their lives: inept. Functional violence means the ability to be the tip of the spear, with or without the support of others. To wound, injure, rend, ...