Kevin Wikse vs. The Men in Black or M.I.B Outmatched by Kevin Wikse.

3/22/24 Update: Written in 2017, my encounter with what I believe to be Men In Black or M.I.B has become my most popular and beloved work in my genre of American Horror and of what I term semi-fictionalized fiction. As a lifelong experiencer and abductee, I believe due in part to my top-tier clairvoyant and mediumship skills ( I am the ONLY psychic, medium and occult to have predicted EVERYTHING about COVID-19, the Border Crisis, the 2020 Election etc, starting in 2014 read all about it in my evidentiary proof claim HERE ), I have been involved, in part, some stages of my life more, other times less, with Psychism, Remote Viewing, the Occult and Intelligence, however whose Intelligence exactly, I still don't know, for over 40 years. This was not the first time I have been approached by strange, mostly human, entities, but it certainly stands out as among my most memorable. I thank everyone who has come forward and shared with me their own MIB experiences. I believe I hav...